Why are you procrastinating

We all face procrastination at some point in our lives. That conscious and perhaps deliberate process employed to bring about failure – according to psychologists.

" Procrastination is employed for various reasons – we don’t like the task at hand, there’s something better on offer, or we’re not sure how to proceed.

Some people say they procrastinate because they’re tired – although other’s aren’t convinced that’s a case of procrastination. More just a case that someone needs a break or even a good night’s sleep.

Overcoming procrastination

In this episode, we change formats and have a discussion rather than an interview. Host Sheelagh Caygill and screenwriter Daanish Ahamed discuss why they procrastinate and methods they’ve used to successfully end this behaviour.

A new method

Daanish details a special method he has developed to break cycles of procrastination. Briefly, it is using a friend to offer a reward if the task is completed on deadline. The reward is unrelated to the task and therefore diverts attention from all the distractions and excuses the procrastinator creates, and makes it easier to focus on what needs to be done.

If the procrastinator fails to meet their deadline, they must provide a reward to their motivating friend.

Daanish is offering to put this method into practive with five listeners. Find out what Daanish’s offer is and how to take advantage of it in this episode!

You can find Daanish Ahamed at LinkedIn and on Twitter.

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